your special product benefits.
With Kombiverkehr as the operator.
open train system.
Can be used by any freight forwarder.

You do not have to be a limited partner in our company to transport goods with Kombiverkehr. Our train networks are open to every freight forwarder and logistics company.

Unique Gateway.
From A to C via B.

Just as people change trains at railway stations in passenger transport, your loading units can easily switch between two trains in a hub terminal. This allows you to link two direct trains and travel long distances in gateway traffic.

We act neutrally.
And that's very personal.

Neutrality towards all customers, service providers, infrastructure operators and partners is a matter of course for us.

Stability in the network.
Because remaining able to deliver is the motto.

Thanks to our unique gateway philosophy, we ensure that your loading units arrive at their destination station, even under the most difficult conditions. In these cases, we also transport from A to B via C. This means that we remain able to deliver to you and you to your customer. 

Several times a day.
High flexibility on highly frequented routes.

Once a day is not often enough for us on one connection or another. From highly frequented terminals, there are train departures several times a day on the main routes.

no obligation.
Transport without risk.

Book your transport in our network without obligation. Load unit by load unit. From dispatch day to dispatch day.

all types of goods and loading units.
We have (almost) no exceptions.

Whether automotive parts, foodstuffs, granulates or liquids. Whether semi-trailers, mega trailers, 45-foot containers or swap bodies. We have virtually no exceptions in the transport of goods and craneable loading units.

Variety in traction.
That's how colourful we are on the move.

As a neutral intermodal operator, we ensure the best service at a competitive price. A portfolio of national and European rail transport companies is the basic prerequisite for this.

80 per cent less co2.
Transport for transport.

Rail is the number one mode of transport when it comes to environmental and climate protection. Around 80 per cent less CO2 is emitted with each transport compared to continuous road freight transport. A balance that speaks for itself.

One Stop Shop.
It couldn't be easier.

With one booking across Europe. And after the transport, just one invoice for the continuous transport of your load unit, even including ferry services if required.

optimised ferry crossings.
If you need to get between the train and the ferry quickly.

If you combine the train with the short-sea ferry or the ocean-going vessel, we work with our partner companies to ensure fast connections thanks to excellent timetable management.

Do you want climate-friendly transportation?
Our intermodal experts will be happy to advise you!
Christian Lipinski
Manager Sales Management