One step forward.
Facilitating the interoperability of data in the combined transport community. 

The EDICT project, funded by the Connecting Europe Facility (CEF), aims to improve data interoperability in Combined Transport (CT) in Europe. Coordinated by the CT industry association UIRR and with a budget of 3.1 million euros for 24 months from September 2022, the project aims to remove interoperability barriers for CT messages. The consortium is developing business-oriented solutions for the integration of terminal operators, new monitoring systems to improve the quality and punctuality of CT trains and innovative data exchange channels. The project builds on previous successes such as Digital Train 1.0 and 2.0 and is based on the work of the ELETA project. The overall objective is to promote data exchange in accordance with the Technical Specifications for Interoperability of Telematics Applications for Freight (TAF TSI) between terminals in line with the requirements of Collective Decision Making in Rail Transport (CDM).

Central aspects 
The three pillars of the project:
Terminal-related activities.

Harmonization of terminal timestamps and milestones

Customization of TOS and data exchange through an innovative data hub 4.0 (DXI)

Integration of terminal data into the RNE-TIS application

Definition of minimum requirements in the TAF TSI regulation

Adaptation of the TAF TSI JSG manual

Improving the overall quality of regular CT trains.

Definition and harmonization of justification codes for delays and cancellations

Definition of the basic requirements of a collaborative quality management system for combined transport (cQMS) based on the feasibility study carried out as part of the Digital Train 2.0 project

Selection, development, testing, validation and evaluation of the cQMS on various routes

Adaptation of the TSI TAF regulation

Innovative solutions for end users.

Facilitating CTOs' access to the RNE-TIS application

Development of reference files for the sector with simple plug-in solutions

Improvement of tracking and tracing functions (e.g. CESAR application)

Improvement of the European data hub KV4.0

Roll-out plan for the EDIGES data exchange format

Provision of a catalog of digital CT platforms

Do you have questions about these projects?
Your contact.
Christoph Büchner
Head of Information Technology