Our payment methods.
Particularly fast or particularly sustainable.

We offer two payment methods for processing your transports. If you want to get started quickly and book your first transports within the next few days, our quick start with a deposit account is just right for you. You can switch to kombiPAY30 if you want to work with us on a permanent basis after successful test transports and enjoy further financial benefits. Of course, you can also get started with kombiPAY30 right from the start.

Get in quickly.
With deposit account.

For transports to be carried out at short notice or for test transports, we will set up a temporary deposit account for you. You pay an amount equal to the expected transportation costs into this deposit account. This amount will be offset against the transports carried out on an ongoing basis. If the deposit payment is "used up", a further deposit payment must be made within the limited period of use or participation in the kombiPAY30 payment procedure must be declared.

benefit in the long term.
With kombiPAY30.

The kombiPAY30 payment method is a simplified billing procedure for freight and other tariff or contractual claims arising from the use of services with Kombiverkehr. Your decisive advantage is that by participating in the kombiPAY30 payment procedure, you receive a monthly total invoice for all transports carried out and do not have to pay the transport costs until a later date due to an extended payment term.

Our partner for other payment methods.
Do you have questions about our payment methods?
We are here for you!
Sabine Kauffeld
Head of Finance & Accounting